The promotion of the new book by one of the greatest Serbian philosophers of today, Nikola Kajtez – JUSTIFICATION OF CREATIVITY, will be held in the Gallery of the Institute, on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 1 pm in Riga od Fere 4 Street in Belgrade.The phenomenon of creativity in this innovative book is explored in a comprehensive and critical way, unique in philosophical literature. The book published by the Official Gazette, will change your view of the world because it brings a radically new and different vision of creativity from all known so far. Through three parts of the book: Nature that creates, Creativity of self-conscious observers and The value and meaning of creation, Kajtez presents to the reader’s reader an integral, holistic, multi-layered and innovative definition of creation.
“Original in argumentation and conclusions, rich in positively solved problems, and at the same time focused on the basic issues of the world and man’s place in the world, the book Philosophy of Creativity by Nikola Kajtez is a work that deserves full attention, not only professional philosophical circles but also the general cultural public.” pointed out prof. Dr. Sasa Radojcic.
Speaking about this important book, Mr. Alexei Kozyrev, a Russian philosopher and vice-dean for science at Lomonosov Moscow State University, said: “The ideas proposed by the author are intriguing on a global scale and show us the spirit and direction in which modern philosophy should develop.”
Nikola Kajtez, the author of the book, will speak about the book at the promotion in Zaprokul; Sasa Radojcic, philosopher and poet; and Vladimir Kolarić, art and culture theorist.



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