CHIP2 OPENED AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT – Where is the young Serbian prose?

After extremely successful and well-attended public readings at the Institute, where the audience got to know the young poetry scene, the second season of CHIP 2 (this time in the new meaning of Read I Prose) began.

The guests of the first CHIP2, in the new season, were talented young prose writers: Ana Miloš and Milan Vurdelja, and the public reading was moderated by Marko Avramović, literary critic, member of the Andrić Award jury.

Ana Miloš introduced herself to the gathered audience with her two inspiring stories from the book The End of the Holidays entitled Div and Mir. On this occasion, the young writer emphasized the value of such gatherings and the possibility for prose to find its way to readers, expressing great gratitude to Zaprokul for the opportunity for new, young authors to be recognized by the cultural public.

Milan Vurdelja read a story from the well-known book Room for Beasts called Požar and an excerpt from the novel Whose Trace I See in the Treetops. Vurdelja pointed out the importance of competitions that offer young writers the opportunity to enter the literary world, apostrophizing the role of editors who should guide and shape the path of a young writer with their work.

At the very end, Avramović praised Zaprokul’s initiative to take the first step towards greater presence of young writers in the wider public.
CHIP 2, during the second season, will traditionally be held once a month in the Zaprokula Gallery, where the audience will get to know young prose writers, and this time the emphasis will be on reading the prose itself, and not just talking about it.

Until the next chipping!


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