The presentation of the research ONLINE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF SERBIA held in the Gallery of the Institute (Zaprokul) showed the growing trend of digitalization of cultural heritage, which is especially recognized by citizens who increasingly use the possibilities of digital content and virtual exhibitions.
Marko Krstić, the director of Zaprokul, gave a welcome speech to the gathered audience from professionals and the general public, pointing out that “digitalization of cultural heritage is an absolute trend in Europe, and this trend arose from the need to meet a modern moment and to present all that is cultural heritage in the digital world.”

The presentation was moderated by Maja Todorović, M.Sc., ethnologist and anthropologist, the author of the research, presenting to the gathered audience the goals, methodology and results achieved during this extensive research: “Through the analysis of the official websites of six representative archaeological sites in Serbia – Viminacium, Felix Romuliane, Tsarske palaces of Sirmium, Vinča, Tsarica grad and Lepenski Vir, we saw how the possibilities of digital communications are used in the presentation and promotion of heritage.”

Affirmed experts in the field of digitization of cultural heritage, Dr. Katarina Živanović, museologist, heritologist and head of the SANU Gallery Exhibition Hall, prof. Dr. Nikola Krstović, president of NK IKOM Serbia and Vitomir Jevremović, archaeologist, developer and director of ALL-ART, thanked Zaprokul for this significant contribution to science and work that will have a positive impact on networking and cooperation between all cultural institutions.
In the interesting controversy that ensued, Mrs. Živanović concluded that “it is extremely important to understand that cultural heritage is an incentive and a tool within the framework of the sustainable regeneration of various urban and rural environments.” not only to undertake something, but also to think in parallel in the digital system, for which we also need some long, above all professional knowledge.” Jevremović also had an interesting opinion, who noted that “in the digital world, changes happen extremely quickly, so digitization will in general, but also the digitization of cultural heritage will become a cruel struggle for human attention.”

  Foto: Siniša Stefanović


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