Exhibition ART DIALOG – Through art to inclusion

Izložba Art dijalog - umetnošću do inkluzije - Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka

Friday, December 2 at 12 p.m.

On the occasion of December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development (Zaprokul) organizes a series of activities presenting the significant results of the research “Culture of accessibility: research on the accessibility of museums and galleries in the Republic of Serbia”.
On the occasion of Zaprokul, the guy opens the ART DIALOG exhibition as an example of an innovative approach in achieving communication with socially sensitive groups through creative processes-work therapy with the aim of making the participants in this process feel accepted in the wider social community. The language of visual arts is used as the language of communication with the idea of ​​positively influencing everyday life through the educational, creative and communication process. This multi-year project is part of the innovative program of the author Božidar Plazinić, one of the most important contemporary artists and with the participation of professionals from various fields.
The welcoming speech will be delivered by Bogdana Opačić, Zaprokul researcher and one of the research coordinators.
The exhibition will be opened by Božidar Plazinić, the author of the exhibition, and Biljana Jokić, a researcher in Zaprokul – a psychologist, with a conversation about the mutual relationship between creativity and visiting cultural institutions.
The opening of the exhibition will be attended by members of the “Halfway” association from Pancevo, whose representatives Lazar Sretenović and Batul Nikačević will read their poems, and in the musical part of the program, Konstantin Nečeski, Vasilije Džolić and Aleksandra Romanov, students of the School for Visually Impaired Students, “Veljko Ramadonović” from Zemun accompanied by his teacher Dejan Nikolić, and the students of the Elementary School “Kralj Petar Prvi” will also join us.
This exhibition is part of the activities that Zaprokul will organize in the coming period, and on the occasion of the presentation of the results of the institute’s research on the accessibility of museums and galleries in the Republic of Serbia, “Culture of accessibility”.

The ART DIALOG exhibition is open to visitors until December 13, on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Gallery of the Institute)


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