The new ČIP 2, another evening of “Reading and Prose” will be held on Friday, December 23 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery of the Institute (Zaprokul). After the extremely successful first cycle of public reading forums in Zaprokul, where the audience was introduced to contemporary young Serbian poets, the second cycle of ČIP forums presents us with the contemporary young prose scene. Unlike young poets, who often have the opportunity to present themselves to the public at public readings, group prose readings, especially by young authors, are much rarer. Perhaps this is the reason for one of the paradoxes of the contemporary Serbian literary scene.
Namely, although prose is much more popular with the public, young prose creators are much less present and recognized by the cultural public. This is precisely why the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development opens its doors to young and youngest Serbian prose. During the multi-month forum cycle at the Institute, established young writers, as well as those who are just starting to publish in periodicals and on various literary and cultural portals, will present themselves to us.
Ana Marija Grbić and Bojan Vasić will speak on behalf of young prose, while ČIP will be moderated by: Marko Avramović, literary critic, member of the Andrić Prize jury.


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