Zaprokul continues with its research in culture. This fall, we completed the analysis of the official websites of six archeological representative sites in Serbia – Viminacium, Felix Romuliana, Imperial Palace of Sirmium, Vinča, Tsarica grad and Lepenski Vir, where we looked at how the possibilities of digital communications are used in the presentation and promotion of heritage.
Are modern technologies adequately represented in plans for the digitization of cultural heritage? Through the analysis of websites, we have shown how much the modern media approach in presenting the content of cultural heritage can contribute to the promotion of the locality itself, the education of citizens and the public, the development of cultural tourism, public relations and how much the quality and innovation of the website can influence networking. and cooperation between all cultural and media institutions.
The growing trend of digitalization of cultural heritage seems really promising, which is especially recognized by citizens who increasingly use the possibilities of digital content and virtual exhibitions.
The presentation of the ONLINE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF SERBIA research will be held on Thursday, November 24 at 12:00 in the Zaprocula Gallery, and the speakers will be established experts in the field of digitalization of cultural heritage, Dr. Katarina Živanović, museologist, heritologist and head of the Exhibition Hall of the SANU Gallery, prof. Dr. Nikola Krstović, president of NK IKOM Serbia and Vitomir Jevremović, archaeologist, developer and director of ALL-ART. Maja Todorović, M.Sc., ethnologist and anthropologist, author of the research, will moderate, and Marko Krstić, director of Zaprokul, will deliver the welcome speech.
The research was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.


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