Thank you to Zaprokul from the Faculty of Applied Arts

Zahvalnica Zavodu za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka od strane Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti za dugogodišnju saradnju

On the occasion of marking the day of the Faculty of Applied Arts, the Institute (Zaprokul) was awarded a certificate of appreciation for successful cooperation and exceptional contribution to the work of the Faculty. Our two institutions have a long-standing and successful cooperation on numerous joint projects, among which are the creation of a plaque for the literary award “Novica Tadić” and a statuette for a special award for the affirmation of the value of culture “Golden Griffin”.
The director of Zaprokul, Mr. Marko Krstić, received the certificate of thanks and on this occasion, along with congratulations on this important day, he expressed his satisfaction for the long-term good cooperation, expressing his wish that it be further intensified and developed in the future.


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Часопис Култура

UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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