Promotion of research and accompanying exhibition Retrospective and Perspective. The effects of cultural participation, symbolically before the 45th birthday of “Škozorište”, were held at the Institute  (Zaprokul).

The research Effects of cultural participation as well as a whole series of other researches by Zaprokul showed that the programs “Škozorište” (1977 – 2006) and “Školigrica” ​​(1981 – 2006) implemented by the Stari Grad Culture Center in Belgrade represented innovative practices of encouraging a creative approach to development children and young people.

Dr. Ružica Rosandić, a former researcher of Zaprokul, spoke about the first steps of this important research and the creation of the “Škozorište” and “Školigrica” ​​programs, emphasizing that the great merit of Zaprokul is the research that was devoted to the cultural needs, habits of children and young people of primary school age, as well as the conducted analysis of the cultural offer for children and young people in Serbia.

The research Effects of cultural participation was presented by Biljana Jokić, Ph.D., a researcher in Zaprokul, presenting a sample of respondents, their interests and participation in culture. There are significant differences between young people who were involved in the programs “Škozorište” and “Školigrica” ​​and those who were not, as well as the benefits these programs had for the development of children and young people.

Ljubica Beljanski – Ristić, spiritus movens “Škozorišta”, “Školigrice” and BITEF Polifonija emphasized the importance of working with children in culture, which “represents the support of civilization in order to maintain true values ​​and importance.”

Branka Srećković Minić, Lenka Udovički and Rabbi Isak Asijel also participated in the conversation, and Dr. Maša Vukanović, researcher of Zaprokul, was the speaker of this conversation.

At the end, the film Effects of Cultural Participation was shown to the audience. Retrospective and Perspective created from materials collected during the research “Effects of Cultural Participation”. You can watch the film at the following link:


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UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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