Zaprokul researchers at a conference in Zagreb

Marijana Milankov, Bogdana Opačić and Bojana Subašić, researchers of the Institute (Zaprokul) participated in the Culture of Diversity conference held at the Typological Museum in Zagreb, where they presented a paper entitled Culture of accessibility: research on the accessibility of museums and galleries in the Republic Serbia.

Zaprokul researchers answered some of the most important questions: What obstacles do people with disabilities encounter when it comes to culture? How accessible is culture to them? Do cultural institutions recognize them as target audience groups? At the same time, they pointed out the possibility of opening cultural institutions for all their users, especially for the needs of sensitive groups. The presented results and research methodology aroused the interest of those present, with a call for closer inter-institutional cooperation.


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Часопис Култура

UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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