BREATHE – LISTEN – CHIP yourself with poetry in ZAPROKUL!

cipovanje poezijom u zaprokulu maj 2022 zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka cip

Poetry leads you along the paths of harmony of mind and soul and this one, the last Friday of the month – May 27 at 7 pm in the Gallery of the Institute for Cultural Development Research (Zaprokul, Rige od Fere 4, Belgrade)!

Come to the sixth meeting of young poetry scene called “CHIP“, which introduces you to creativity this month:
Ognjen Obradović,
Dušan Mihajlović and
Ivan Marinković,
and the evening of poetry reading is led by Jovana Milovančević, host of Radio Belgrade 2.

How is a song made?

Why is public reading important?
How are verses interpreted over time?
These are just some of the topics we will touch on on the warm May evening in which Zaprokul reopens its doors to poets and audiences – lovers of poetry.

Come, let’s chip together with poetry – to make the space resonate with verses!



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