The sixth BELGRADE COUNTERPOINT, which this year is dedicated to the most famous Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, will be held on June 21, 2022, at the Yugoslav Cinematheque (Sala Makavejev, Uzun Mirkova 1), from 2 to 5 pm, entitled TESLA: INSPIRATION. This traditional international gathering is organized this year by the Institute (Zaprokul) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information.

BELGRADE COUNTERPOINT is an international conference that has been gathering artists and thinkers from different parts of the world for years to discuss the most important issues of our time.

The most famous Serbian scientist and the world’s most famous name of Serbian culture, Nikola Tesla, undoubtedly influenced the change of the world and science as a whole with his inventions and discoveries, but he also influenced many thinkers and creators in various fields of human activity. Tesla took science out of the laboratory and created a new type of scientist, aware of his public influence, not for the purpose of self-promotion but to improve the lives of people around the world. His public work was largely aimed at young people, as an encouragement to nurture their creative impulses and realize as much of their potential as possible.
At the gathering, we will be interested primarily in Tesla’s influence on cultural and artistic creation, in what way his life and work inspired artists and in what way his creative process is related to art. We are also interested in Tesla as the most famous representative of our culture in the world and his place and role in cultural policy, cultural diplomacy and the international representation of our country.

The meeting will be opened by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and the Minister of Culture and Information, Ms. Maja Gojković. Participants in this year’s BELGRADE COUNTERPOINT are famous Armenian artist Lucina Hovanisian, renowned Italian comic artist and designer Daniela Meucci, famous Serbian physicist Djuro Koruga, famous Serbian writer Vladimir Pistalo, interesting visual artists Dusan Jovovic, Milan Maksina and youth representatives. The moderator of the gathering will be the well-known host Aleksandar Gajšek.


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