The sixth BELGRADE COUNTERPOINT, which this year is dedicated to the most famous Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, was held yesterday in the crowded Makavejev Hall in the Yugoslav Cinematheque from 2 pm to 5 pm, under the title TESLA: INSPIRATION.

This traditional international gathering was organized this year as well by the Institute (Zaprokul) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information.

Today we have the opportunity to learn more about the influence that the work of the famous scientist, Nikola Tesla, had, primarily in culture and art, but also about how his character and career inspired many artists in various segments of society, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture. informing Maja Gojković at the opening of the sixth “Belgrade Counterpoint”.

“I am sure that the participants in this ‘Belgrade Counterpoint’ will give a relevant overview of Tesla’s influence on art and creators. “What we will hear today will serve many researchers in further understanding of his character and work,” Gojković noted.

The famous Serbian physicist Đuro Koruga pointed out that Tesla was one of the lucky ones whose time came and he grew into a giant as such: when they will start to be realized. ”

Tesla, understanding the media in the period in which he lived and created, published articles that have inspired artists from then until today, said Dušan Jovović, a visual artist. “The extraordinary gravity that Tesla has even after his death is intensifying and growing. Tesla has never put his work above humanity, and that is what our lighthouse is. ”

Young and innovative artist Danica Maksimovic, author of Nikola Tesla’s portrait from recycled materials, which she called an eco-portrait and “modern mosaic”, revealed the way she created her work, calling Tesla a poet, a painter in science. “Tesla is a scientist who put intuition, inner feeling before the intellect, and that is the artistic thing in his work.”

Well-known multimedia artist from Armenia Lucina Hovanisian pointed out Tesla’s spirituality and that this is what makes him different from others: “he was an ethical genius.” the laboratory itself, he is the only scientist in his laboratory and the only tool available to him. ”


Renowned  artist and designer from Italy, Daniele Meucci, tried to explain what inspired him with Tesla, referring to the personality of the scientist “Tesla had many struggles in his life, which shaped him as a man. In my work, I wanted to show people the man behind the genius, the real Tesla, who continued to fight even when he seemed unable to succeed. ”

In his practice as a visual artist, Milan Ličina worked through the field of new and high technologies, inspired by Tesla. “The metaverse, which is being imposed on us today, is everything that Tesla predicted. Just as Tesla’s identity and origins were extremely important, I tried to give my contribution and “cyrilize” high technology, that is, to show that our identity and our heritage are equally sustainable in the future, in the same way that Tesla is. tried to keep it in a time of absolute darkness without electricity. ”

“Tesla saw electricity as the pure essence of a dirty world, and I think that’s what people see in Tesla. He used all the energy of man to create “, concluded the prominent Serbian writer Vladimir Pištalo.

The moderator of the gathering, the well-known host Aleksandar Gajšek, thanked all the participants at the very end for briefly reviving Tesla during the Belgrade Counterpoint.


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