“Culture and Diplomacy” in the new issue of Culture

The new 173rd issue of the magazine Kultura with the topic “Culture and Diplomacy” will be promoted on June 28, 2022 at 1 pm in the Gallery of the Institute (Zaprokul) in Riga od Fere 4.

The topic “Culture and Diplomacy” was prepared by Dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, and 11 published texts improve the research of cultural diplomacy and culture, and initiate a public discussion on the current relationship between culture and diplomacy.

In the introduction, Kolaković points out that “since the spring of 2020, when the covid-19 pandemic closed borders and significantly changed the lives of people in all countries of the world, culture and diplomacy have continued to overcome obstacles imposed by the ‘new normality’.” Establishing, developing, maintaining and improving the external relations of the state through culture, art, sports, science and education in new circumstances are given new tasks. “Cultural diplomacy as part of public diplomacy and a way of building ‘soft power’ in this context is especially important for culture and a country like Serbia.”

Prof. Dr. Siniša Atlagić, Faculty of Political Science
Dr. Slobodan Selinić, Scientific Adviser, Institute for Recent History of Serbia
Dr. Aleksandra Kolaković, editor of the publication, senior research associate, Institute for Political Studies


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