Today NETWORKING in Zaprokul

The exhibition Networking, which shows digital works by artists shaped by hybrid communities, will be officially opened today at the Institute (Zaprokul) at 9 pm in Riga od Fere Street no. 4.
Nomadic thinking and nomadic art as inherent elements of the multiverse, the emerging digital social context, trace the direction of development of one fragment of cultural space, the one enabled by digital mobility. Digital natives who think and create as intellectual and artistic nomads show in their works new concepts of sociability and new models of integration.
The exhibition is conceived as a continuous series of projections of the author’s works, indicating their interconnectedness in the networked digital space of continuous artistic production and consumption. We present the works as micro narratives that open specific perspectives and which only in mutual interactions and unique relations write a new space for understanding modernity.
The exhibition was set up as part of the BIOS ART Month project dedicated to ecology as a cultural policy, in a thematic week dedicated to the culture of digital nomadism.

Participating artists:

  • Aleksandra Filipović
  • Teodora Nešković
  • Kristina Stanisic
  • Sara Tanaskovic
  • Milica Pejkovic
  • Pavle Jovović
  • Iva Zekovic
  • Nikolija Stanojevic
  • Despot Đurić
  • Isidora Simić


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