
Thursday, September 29, 12 p.m.
Promotion of research

Research was conducted at the Institute as part of the two-year regional and international art project “Rise of Women in Culture in the Western Balkans”. This project, whose initiator is Biljana Jotić, art historian, independent curator and active entrepreneur in culture, is dedicated to the role and importance of women in shaping cultural and social reality. The author’s concept was formed at the gathering of contemporary female artists, curators, active entrepreneurs in the Balkan region, with the aim of expanding cooperation and exchanging knowledge of various representatives of the cultural sector.
One of the segments of this project is research conducted at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development. In this creative process, we sought answers to several important questions about institutional and non-institutional curatorial practices, the degree of connection and exchange between curators and artists, solidarity, diversity, in the name of creating new views and space for new contents in the field of visual creativity. We present the results of the research to the public with the intention of showing the extent to which visual artists are represented on the scene, what their position is, what problems and challenges they encounter in their work, how visible they are, as well as how much feminist theories inspire visual creativity and curatorial practices.
We believe that it is important to draw the attention of the public, society and the state to visual artists, to point out the necessity of researching this topic within the framework of cultural and gender policies, as well as concrete solutions that can be undertaken within the framework of laws and post-legal acts.
We hope that this research is significant both for contemporary visual artists and for institutions and organizations of civil society, and that they will take into account the presented results and recommendations in their future work.

– Biljana Jotić, author of the project, MA in Art History, independent curator, entrepreneur in culture, director of the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade
– Dragana Martinović, Master of Arts and Media Theory, researcher at the Institute
– Tatjana Jokanović, senior advisor of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality
– Curators, research participants (video address)


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