Zaprokul collective in search of new knowledge

Marijana Uzunovski, head of the Department for Documentation and IT Support and librarian of the Institute (Zaprokul) held a training session for employees and users of the Institute’s Library, entitled Newspaper Literacy and Critical Thinking in Libraries. The initiative to hold this training came from the Belgrade City Library as part of the international Erasmus+ project Enhancing Key Civic Competences for the Post-truth Era: News Literacy and Critical Thinking – ESSENTIAL. The direct users of the Institute’s special Library in the course Newspaper Literacy and Critical Thinking in Libraries had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main results of the project, which also represent the basic educational resources of newspaper literacy: what is newspaper literacy and why is it important for the individual and society, as the media and journalism affect society in the age of post-truth, how to recognize manipulative media techniques, how to identify fake news, photos, video content, profiles on social networks, what are algorithms, news feeds, filtered bubbles and echo chambers, what is the difference between bots, trolls and cyborgs, how to find sources of reliable information, how to efficiently search the web…


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