PAUL SCHROEDER – a new topic of the panel series CHRISTIANITY AND FILM

POL SHRÉDER is the seventh forum of the cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM, organized by the Institute  (Zaprokul) and the “Svetozar Marković” University Library, which will be held at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, December 22, in the “Svetozar Marković” University Library.
American film director and screenwriter Paul Schroeder is one of the most important film artists for understanding the possibility of film to express religious content and experiences and the creator of the phrase “transcendental film”, which he used to describe his close understanding of this art and media. In the conversation, there will be special talk about the isolated hero in the split between his personal value system, religious values ​​and the values ​​of society, then about the Calvinist reflection on temptation and man’s “task”, the director’s special treatment of the most emotionally pregnant scenes, the theme of self-sacrifice and the survival of the ancient concept of tragedy in films this author.

Miomir Petrović
Vladimir Kolaric

Miomir Petrović is a prose and drama writer, art theoretician, full professor of drama and film theory at the Institute for Artistic Play in Belgrade and the Higher College of Technology in the United Arab Emirates. He is the author of three scientific monographs and sixteen novels.

Vladimir Kolarić is a theoretician of culture and art and a writer, organizer of research at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development and assistant professor at the University of Communication in Belgrade. He is the author of the books “Christianity and Film” and “Christianity and Art”.


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