Uzbudljivo veče proze u Zaprokulu

In the Zaprokul Gallery, lovers of literature once again gathered, as well as those young writers who are just starting to publish in periodicals and on various literary and cultural portals. The pre-New Year’s ČIP introduced the audience to the young Serbian novelists Ana Marija Grbić and Bojan Vasić. Marko Avramović, literary critic, member of the Andrić Prize jury, inspired and intriguing, led us through this exciting evening of prose.

Ana Marija Grbić, as a support to new, young colleagues, gave advice on how to reach the goal: “Write poetry, you will reach prose”, stressing that it is extremely important for her that, by reading her prose, she presents herself as, due to direct contact with a new audience, as well as for connecting with your readers. Speaking about her work, the author emphasized that humor is the most important thing to her, and that it is generally lacking in our contemporary literature. “Most writers write thinking they can’t be funny, and readers love it; humor and wit”.

Bojan Vasić, better known to readers for his poetry, said that this evening in Zaprokul was a new experience for him because, in general, poetry is read more often in public. Vasić’s inspiration in writing prose is childhood and delight in everyday moments. “My greatest pleasure is the opportunity to share all that with the readers, as well as the audience that attended this evening,” added the young author.

“Don’t give up, persevere, just persevere” at the very end, the participants said to their young colleagues and companions, but also to the entire public.


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