Culture – a magazine that pushes the boundaries

The latest issue of the magazine Culture, which has as its theme Historical and epic heroes between historiography and literary folklore tradition, was promoted in Zaprokul, in a pleasant and festive atmosphere. This topic was prepared by Dr. Dragoljub B. Perić and Dr. Boris Stojkovski, who were guided by the mutual relationship of historical factography and epic interpretation of certain biographies of epic heroes and events.
The director of Zaprokul, Marko Krstić, greeted the audience, expressing his satisfaction that this interesting topic found its place in the magazine, and that the audience, before the beginning of the new calendar year, has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with texts that bring a new perspective and view of the relationship between our history and myth.
Mr. Stojkovski, one of the editors of this topic, on this occasion emphasized the importance of the magazine Culture and its long-term movement of borders in the culture of Serbia. In his opinion, the synergy of different opinions of experts presented in this topic brings us new facts and data about identity, our culture of memory and culture in general. “Through this issue, you have the opportunity to get a picture of the entire region, and beyond, of all South Slavic peoples, their history, myths, folkloristics…”
Slađana Ilić, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Culture and the moderator of this inspired conversation, pointed out, at the very end, the diverse and inspiring texts in the section of the magazine entitled Research, which can be interesting and instructive to all those who are interested in cultural issues in a deeper and experiential level. the world and Serbia.


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UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

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