The Zaprokul Library in the digital world

Biblioteka Zaprokula u digitalnom

On the occasion of the Librarians’ Day of Serbia and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the BDS, at the 19th conference of this representative association in culture entitled “Association, connection and networking of librarians”, phd. Jelena Đorđević, former librarian of Zaprokul, presented the expert paper “Examples of using e-environment resources, social networks in order to network special libraries” The paper shows the importance of the electronic environment for the functioning of special libraries, which today is based on the numerous opportunities provided by the connection of these institutions with other libraries and the general public, but also the opportunities that a special library can realize within its institution . The paper shows the basic principles of the functioning of the closed special library of the Institute, the organization of work in the e-environment and models of using the resources of social networks in order to network with different cultural institutions. The most important data on the Institute’s social networks and profiles and ways to include the Institute’s Library in posts and activities are presented.


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