The Center is Hosting the Regular Annual Plenary Meeting of EGMUS

The Center for Study in Cultural Development is hosting the regular plenary meeting of EGMUS, the European group that gathers institution in charge of the national museum statistics. Due to the pandemic, the meeting that was supposed to occur in Belgrade is held online on November 24-25, 2020. Still, it was suggested that next year the meeting be held in Serbia’s capital when the circumstances allow it.

The meeting is attended by representatives of institutions and centers from 17 European countries as well as Eurostat.

The meeting’s main topic is the working conditions in museums during the pandemic and the impact of the crisis on museum activities. Also, the statistical reports of member states are presented, as well as projects of ICOM, NEMO, and Eurostat.

Special attention is dedicated to EGMUS’s regular activities that serve to improve the methods for collecting and analyzing museum data.

The online meeting is moderated by the Center’s director Vuk Vukićević and researcher Biljana Jokić.

Vuk Vukićević, the Center’s director




Biljana Jokić, the Center’s researcher


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