55 years of work and existence of the only cultural institution of the Institute  (Zaprokul) was marked today with a big, solemn celebration in the presence of guests from ministries, directors of cultural institutions, diplomacy and celebrities from the world of culture and public life.
The Institute for the Study of Cultural Development is an institution that represents a kind of treasury of ideas, theories and policies important for the development of culture, and this, in many ways unique and important institution, has been successfully implementing activities in the field of cultural policy for more than half a century. and information Maja Gojković at the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Institute.
The institute was and remains a meeting place for the exchange of opinions and academic debates, a place for various researches and the preparation of professional and scientific papers, said Gojković. “Such an approach has greatly contributed to a better study of the cultural past, creating opportunities for a detailed analysis of the current state of culture and easier determination of strategic directions of cultural development,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Maja Gojkovic.
The esteemed professor of the University of Belgrade and former diplomat Mr. Darko Tanaskovic pointed out the fact that “the Institute is the only institution that has always represented in a dignified and socially responsible way what was the culture of our society at that time.”
Marko Krstić, director of Zaprokul, said that “We are looking to tomorrow, we are looking to the future.” We look to the Institute to be the best partner to the Ministry of Culture, to be modern, modern and recognizable. Let’s watch together. With the idea that culture is in us, or it is not there. ”
The program of celebrating 55 years of research included an exhibition on the work of the Institute, a presentation of the new website of the magazine Kultura, a presentation of the new digital archive of the Institute, a guide to strategy development, the first award of the unique special award “Stevan Majstorovic” for cultural cooperation.


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