“BIOS ART” in the Museum of the Old Village of Sirogojno

In June, the month of raising the culture of environmental awareness called “BIOS ART” in the Museum “Old Village” Sirogojno in cooperation with the Institute  (Zaprokula), the Museum of Applied Arts, Association “Nature and Art” and the community of digital nomads Maglian Campus Divcibare , a panel discussion on the topic of culture and ecology was held, with the presentation of projects of institutions. The programs are held at several locations throughout Serbia under the slogan “Network”.

“Our idea is to talk as much as possible about the meeting of ecology and nature, culture and nature, culture and cultural heritage. In that sense, we have organized several interesting exhibitions, forums, presentations of our publications, and on the other hand we think that in a good spirit it would be nice to connect Serbian cultural institutions, talk, exchange experiences, ” said Marko Krstic, director of ZAPROKUL.

Representatives of Zaprokul Bogdana Opačić and Dejan Zagorac presented the project “Living Intangible Cultural Heritage”, which is being implemented within the Erasmus program for adult education. Zaprokul is implementing this project in cooperation with institutions from Germany, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Romania. The presentation presented elements of intangible cultural heritage from all countries participating in the project, as well as a quiz and memory game that will soon be available on the project website.

In the continuation of the program, representatives of Zaprokul, the Museum “Staro selo” Sirogojno and the Museum of Applied Arts presented their publications and programs to the guests and visitors.


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