BOSIFEST awarded a certificate of thanks to ZAPROKUL

At the closing ceremony of the 13th Bosifest – Belgrade International Film Festival of Persons with Disabilities, on October 19 in the Yugoslav Cinematheque, the Institute (Zaprokul) was awarded a certificate of appreciation for its contribution to the implementation of this year’s supporting program.

Marijana Milankov, a researcher, who, together with her colleague Bogdana Opačić, led the workshop “How much do we know about accessibility in culture” in front of Zaprokul. On that occasion, she thanked Darko Ivić from Hendi Center Colosseum, as the organizer of the festival, for recognizing Zaprokul as an institution that dedicatedly and continuously advocates the principles of social inclusion, equality and diversity in the cultural sector. She also pointed out that the reason for holding the education as part of Bosifest is the recently published research by Zaprokul, “Culture of accessibility: research on the accessibility of museums and galleries in the Republic of Serbia”, conducted with the aim of monitoring and improving the accessibility of cultural institutions in Serbia. She also pointed out that the Institute recognizes the partnership between Bosifest and the Yugoslav Cinematheque as one of the examples of the best cooperation practices for the development of inclusive culture.

The good cooperation between Bosifest and Zaprokul will continue, with the common goal of promoting the cultural rights of people with disabilities.


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