CHIP2 BEGINS – Where is the young Serbian prose?

After extremely successful and well-attended public readings at the Institute (Zaprokul), where the audience got to know the young poetry scene, the second season of ČIP (this time in the new meaning Read I Prose) will present where and where young Serbian prose is going. . The first ČIP 2 will be held on October 28 at 7 p.m. in the Zaprocula Gallery.
Unlike young poets who often have the opportunity to present themselves to the public at public readings, group prose readings, especially by young authors, are much less frequent. Perhaps this is the reason for one of the paradoxes of the contemporary Serbian literary scene – although prose is much more popular with the public, young writers are much less present and recognized in the cultural public, for which they themselves are responsible.
ČIP 2 will traditionally be held once a month in the Zaprokula Gallery, where the audience will get to know young prose writers, and this time the emphasis will be on reading the prose itself, and not just talking about it.
We will be guided through the young prose scene by moderator Marko Avramović, literary critic, member of the Andrić Award jury.

The guests of the first ČIP 2 will be talented young novelists: Ana Miloš and Milan Vurdelja.

Ana Miloš was born in 1992 in Belgrade, where she still lives. She published a collection of stories End of Vacation (2019) and a collection of poetry Govori grad (2020). She is the winner of the “Miodrag Borisavljević” (2016) and “Đura Đukanov” (2019) awards. The collection “End of Vacation” was included in the wider selection for the Andrić award, as well as in the short selection for the “Edo Budiša” award. In 2020, the aforementioned collection was supplemented with eight new stories and published the following year under the title End of vacation and other stories.

Milan Vurdelja was born in 1993 in Sremska Mitrovica. He is a doctoral candidate in Serbian literature, employed at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. He writes prose and literary essays. He translated the poetry of Bulat Okudžava and Delmore Schwartz. His short story collection Room for Beasts (2018) was published by Matica Srpska as part of the “Prva knjiga” edition. Two years later, he also published the novel Whose Trace I See in the Canopies (2020), which received the “Veselin Lučić” award for the best literary achievement of a teacher and associate of the University of Belgrade.

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