Cooperation between The Center for Studies in Cultural Development and the Faculty of Philosophy

A significant agreement on cooperation with The Center for Studies in Cultural Development was signed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The two institutions are participating in the organization of a Regional Intensive Course for PhD students in Philosophy, Biology and Archeology entitled “Interdisciplinarity and Records in the Sciences of Origin” within the international project Sciences of the Orgin implemented at the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. by the John Templeton Foundation at the University of Oxford.

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, prof. Dr. Daniel Sinani and Acting Director of the Institute Marko Krstić, agreed on mutual readiness to develop and improve cooperation between the two institutions through the presentation of current scientific research and organization of events that would bring science closer to a wider audience, especially young people.

Photo: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade prof. Dr. Daniel Sinani and c. d. Director of the Institute, Marko Krstić




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