Culture of environmental awareness in Zaprokul!

“BIOS ART” – culture and nature together!

The moment we learn that microplastics have been found in human blood, man must rediscover unity through dialogue with nature, and form a culture of living in that dialogue.

The Institute (Zaprokul) in cooperation with the Museum of Applied Arts, Open-Air Museum “Staro selo” Sirogojno, Association “Nature and Art” and the community of digital nomads Maglian Campus Divcibare throughout June will hold interesting forums, unique art exhibitions. interesting book promotions on the topic of culture and ecology, with exclusive presentations of projects that can contribute to a culture of living that respects the principles and dynamics of nature.

The programs are held at several locations throughout Serbia and that is why the slogan is NETWORK #, and the calendar of events of “BIOS ART” can be found on the Zaprokula website at the link:



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UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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