FOOD ON FILM third panel of the cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM


The third panel discussion of the CHRISTIANITY AND FILM cycle entitled FOOD ON FILM, organized by the Institute  and the University Library “Svetozar Markovic” in Belgrade, will be held on May 26 at 7 pm in the University Library.
In biblical history and Christian religious practice, food has a very important role, from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as the cause of original sin, through the Old Testament flaws of heaven and finally the Last Supper preceding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which establishes the Eucharist Churches. In the film, since the Limier brothers’ “Feeding the Baby”, food has been present as an important cinematic factor. Between the two poles that represent the two classics of French film – Jean-Pierre Melville, who found it degrading to see an actor on screen while eating, and Claude Chabrol, who did not miss such scenes in his works – there is a huge space in the film. food, a game of power takes place, defines the origins of the heroes and re-examines their social, sexual and religious roles.

Sasa Radojevic
Vladimir Kolarić

Sasa Radojevic is a film critic, director, screenwriter and prose writer, editor of the Editorial Board of the RTS drama and domestic serial program. Author of the book “The Myth of Frankenstein” and co-editor of the collection “Light in the Dark 2: New Film Europe”.

Vladimir Kolarić is a theoretician of culture and art, writer and translator. Organizer of research at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development and assistant professor at the College of Communications in Belgrade. Author of the books “Christianity and Film” and “Christianity and Art”.


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