Interdisciplinary scientific conference: Media philosophy: media and freedom

In the Gallery of the Institute (Zaprokul), today at 10 a.m., the program sessions of the interdisciplinary scientific conference PHILOSOPHY OF THE MEDIA: MEDIA AND FREEDOM were opened. This scientific meeting was organized by the Aesthetic Society of Serbia; Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Jagodina, University of Kragujevac; NGO “Mladi grašak” for art, culture, media and social issues; with the support of the Institute, as a special partner.
The topic of freedom is equally relevant for contemporary philosophy and for the media context of reflection. All the more so since a large part of modern philosophical culture, from the French Revolution until today, is imbued with the idea of ​​freedom, which, in the age of general mediatization, should be applied to the so-called media culture (Douglas Kellner). Reflecting on the connection between media and freedom attracted the attention of researchers who, in accordance with current theoretical and interpretive movements, approached this question from different positions.

The welcoming speech was given by: prof. Dr. Divna Vuksanović and Prof. Dr. Dragan Ćalović, in front of the Program Committee of the meeting, as well as Marko Krstić, director of Zaprokul.


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