National trauma in the new issue of Culture

The new 172nd issue of the journal Culture for the Theory and Sociology of Culture and Cultural Policy, entitled “Culture and National Trauma”, will be promoted in the Gallery of the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development, on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 12 o’clock.
In her introductory speech, the editor-in-chief, Dr. Sladjana Ilic, points out that the theory of cultural trauma is of special importance for understanding our culture. There is no way to overcome the trauma – behind which there is always some evil suffered – without facing it, without a free discussion about it and its artistic form. ”
Reputable authors from various fields have written about culture and national trauma – culturology, science of literature, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, mediology – Bojan Jovanovic, Slobodan Reljic, Svetlana Sheatovic, Sasa Radojcic and others.

Slobodan Antonić, sociologist
Vesna Trijić, literary critic
Sladjana Garonja Radovanac, literary critic


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