Opening ceremony of the ODYSSEY OF THE NON-CLASSIFIED

On Thursday, October 7, the Institute for cultural development research officially opened the exhibition ODYSSEY OF NON-CLASSIFIED, inspired by the 60th anniversary of the First Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade, with the presence of ambassadors libraries of Serbia and writer, Neda Knezevic, director of the Museum of Yugoslavia, Goran Milasinovic, president of the National Committee for Cooperation with UNESCO and writer, director of the Archives of Yugoslavia Milan Terzic, Dubravka Djukanovic, director of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and many others.

With this exhibition, the Institute for cultural development highlighted the cultural aspect of the idea and practice of non-alignment, including aspects of cultural policy, cultural diplomacy and strategic culture.

Krstic pointed out that: “The idea of ​​alignment was primarily motivated by resistance to colonialism, which primarily implies cultural subjugation, imposition of one’s own ideological and value norms and traditions on colonized peoples.” In that measure of value can be not only material means and relations, but also ideas and values, ie cultural policy, which integrates one community stronger than everything material and interesting and makes it what it is, but also enables its connection with other communities, and thus to the whole human world. ”

The exhibition was opened by the Assistant Minister of Culture and Information for Contemporary Art, Mr. Radovan Jokic, thanking the organizers for the opportunity to review and re-examine the current results of force policies in dealing with the possibilities of peaceful coexistence, as well as the most important aspect of change.

The audience was led through the exhibition by Matija Malešević, Master of Political Science at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and after that a cocktail party was prepared for all guests.

The exhibition will be open to visitors from October 8 to 17, 2021, at the Institute  at 4 Riga od Fere Street in Belgrade.


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UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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