Opening of the Exhibition “France and Serbia: Centuries of Friendship”

The exhibition “France and Serbia: Centuries of Friendship” opened today at the Gallery of the Center for Study in Cultural Development. The exhibition celebrates the publication of a rich dual-language monograph of the same name, written by Alexis Troude, a professor at the University in Versailles and a leading expert on the history of international and cultural relations between Serbia and France.

The exhibition consists of 15 exhibition panels with images and accompanying texts about some of the most important moments in the history of the relation between the two nations: from the Middle Ages when they first had contact to their diplomatic correspondence and alliance in the First World War, resulting in the monumental heritage that links the two cultures. The panels also contain valuable archival material.

In addition to the panels, rich documentary material from the Yugoslav Film Archive is screened, testifying to Serbian-French relations.

The exhibition was opened by Alexis Troude, author of the monograph, Vuk Vukićević, director of the Center for Study in Cultural Development, and Vladimir Kolarić, editor of the monograph.

The book launch event “France and Serbia: Centuries of Friendship” will be held tomorrow in the Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade and on Friday in Matica Srpska in Novi Sad.


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