Strategic plan for the development of the national capital of culture

The Institute  (Zaprokul) and the City Administration of the City of Čačak began the development of the Čačak City Cultural Development Strategy 2023 – 2027, in which Zaprokul provides the City Administration with an expert support basis for the Agreement on the Development of the City of Čačak Cultural Development Strategy. This important contract was signed by the mayor of the City of Čačak, Mr. Milun Todorović, and the director of Zaprokul, Marko Krstić. The Ministry of Culture and Information, within the framework of the “Capital of Culture of Serbia” program, made a decision that in 2023 the title of National Capital of Culture will be awarded to the City of Čačak.

The development of such a comprehensive Strategy for the development of culture implies the implementation of a survey of citizens, a survey of employees in cultural institutions, the implementation of focus groups and interviews with representatives of cultural institutions, citizens’ associations and prominent individuals of the city. Zaprokul, in cooperation with the Working Group for the development of the Strategy for the Development of Culture of the City of Čačak 2023-2027, will create a strategic document, define goals and measures. Based on the collected knowledge and analysis, an Action Plan will be drawn up, which will describe in detail the deadlines and activities of all defined measures that will contribute to the development of the culture of the City of Čačak.


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UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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