Presentation of the Serbian comic book and promotion of the capital book Freedom! Equality! Comic!: Serbian-French relations in the art of visual storytelling by Zoran Stefanović in French was held in Paris, organized by the Institute  (Zaproкul) at the Cultural Center of Serbia.

The gathered audience, among which there were respected figures from the world of culture such as Jean-Pierre Pecot, one of the most important French comics screenwriters who mostly worked with Serbian authors, Laurent Melikian, a famous comics critic and Pierre Lungeretti, former director of the International Center for Comics in Angoulême , greeted Natali Beljanski, director of the Cultural Center of Serbia. The following spoke about the book and the exhibition: Zoran Stefanović, book author and comics historian, Jana Adamović Kordej, famous Serbian comic author and laureate of the French Order of Literature and Art, and Marko Krstić, writer and director of Zaprokul.

On this occasion, Krstić pointed out the strength of Serbian-French ties in the field of comics and the great importance of comics in the cultural policy of both countries, which is realized with mutual cultural cooperation that began in 2019 after the signing of an agreement in the field of comics by the presidents of Serbia and France.

The well-known Serbian comic author Jana Adamović Kordej pointed out that her work is no different from the work of her colleagues from Serbia: “With my work, I try to be a kind of ambassador of comics in Serbia, I stand for initiatives like this one and all those that contribute to the strengthening of cultural relations between France and Serbia.”

Stefanović, the author of the book and historian of comics, pointed out the importance of the collected materials about comics in the book Freedom! Equality! Comics!: “This is the first book that deals with relations between East and West Europe in terms of visual storytelling, but it deliberately and with a plan went beyond the limits of comics and tried to give a broader context of the history of art culture and even historical relations.” ”

The authors of the presented exhibition are Aleksa Gajić, a world-renowned comic book author and illustrator, Igor Marković, the most important Serbian comic book publisher and the author team of Zaprokul.


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