The first panel in the cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM

On Thursday, March 31, 2022, the first panel in the cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM was held in the University Library “Svetozar Markovic” in Belgrade, organized by the Institute and the University Library.

Theologian Sergej Beuk and art theorist Vladimir Kolarić participated in the tribune dedicated to the topic of the APOCALYPSE IN FILM. The audience was introduced to the concept of the apocalypse, its biblical and theological foundations and significance for culture, and offered an overview of films about the apocalypse, with special emphasis on Hollywood mainstream productions, biblical films and dedicated Christian films aimed at evangelization, almost unknown to Serbian audiences. , including the cultural, social and political context of their origin, very important for understanding the times in which we live.

You can watch the video of the forum at:

The next panel discussion of the CHRISTIANITY AND FILM cycle will be held in April 2022 at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development.


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