The unique book “Tastes of Vranje” will be published soon

The treasuries of knowledge and libraries of all those who enjoy interesting and valuable editions will soon be richer for the unique book “Tastes of Vranje”. The City Administration of the City of Vranje held a meeting with representatives of the Institute for cultural development research, at which cooperation was agreed on joint work on the book “Tastes of Vranje”, which aims to present the cultural heritage and heritage of this beautiful city in a communicative and educational way.

“I believe that this capital book will delight all those who are interested in the cultural and ethnological heritage of Vranje – a city that Vranje people rightly call a city that has a soul – with plenty of beautiful and quality photographs, old recipes and interesting stories about the history of customs and traditions. We want this to be a book that you will be happy to keep in a visible place “, says Marko Krstić, acting director of the Institute and writer.

Representatives of Zaprokul were received by the Mayor of the City of Vranje, Slobodan Milenković, and in a pleasant atmosphere they talked about the realization of future projects related to cooperation in the field of culture and cultural heritage.



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