JESUS ​​CHRIST ON FILM is the sixth forum of the now famous cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM, organized by the Institute (Zaprokul) and the “Svetozar Marković” University Library in Belgrade, which will be held on Wednesday, November 23 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Institute.
Representing the figure of Jesus Christ has always been a great challenge for artists, considering the possibility and ways of artistic mediation of his divine and human personality. Considering the photographic nature of the film image, this problem is particularly challenging for filmmakers, and the film medium as such. Regardless, Jesus Christ already appears in some of the first recorded films, and the panel will analyze some of the most expressive examples of direct, indirect and parabolic visualization of the image of Jesus on film.


Vladan Tatalović, professor at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade
Vladimir Kolarić, theorist of culture and art, organizer of research in Zaprokul

Vladan Tatalović is a professor of the New Testament at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade and a deacon at the Church of St. Basil of Ostrog in New Belgrade. He has published dozens of studies in the field of New Testament science and is particularly interested in the visual reception of early Christian texts.
Vladimir Kolarić is a theoretician of culture and art, organizer of research at the Institute and assistant professor at the University of Communication in Belgrade. He is the author of the books “Christianity and Film” and “Christianity and Art”.


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