REVOLUTION AND VIOLENCE is the second forum of the cycle CHRISTIANITY AND FILM, organized by the Institute (Zaprokul) and the University Library “Svetozar Markovic” in Belgrade. The tribune will be held on April 14 at 7 pm in Zaprokul in Riga od Fere Street no. 4.
The panel will discuss the phenomenon of war, violent resistance and revolutionary violence and their presentation on film, as well as their (un) justification from a Christian perspective. The focus will be on Serbian and Yugoslav films, especially war films from the so-called Black Wave period, which productively thematize the legacy of war and revolution (Three, Not to Cause Death, Ambush, Red Ears, Breakfast with the Devil), including their scope. , meaning and justification.

Ivan Velisavljevic
Vladimir Kolarić

Ivan Velisavljević is a film critic, theorist and archivist, editor of the archive program of the Student City Cultural Center in Belgrade. Co-author and editor of the books “New Staff: Extreme Values ​​of Serbian Film” and “Critical Guide to Serbian Film 2000-2017”.

Vladimir Kolarić is a theoretician of culture and art, organizer of research at the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development and assistant professor at the College of Communications in Belgrade. Author of the books “Christianity and Film” and “Christianity and Art”.


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