Zaprokul at the tenth anniversary FOODTALK

At the tenth anniversary FOODTALK, on ​​the panel Importance of branding destinations through food, the edition of the Institute (Zaprokul) TASTE was presented. Ph.D, Jelena Đorđević, pr Zaprokula, presented the books: The Tastes of Đerdap, The Tastes of Stara Planina, The Tastes of Zlatibor and The Tastes of Deliblatska Peščara, edited by Dejan Zagorec. This important edition of Zaprokul, with the theme of preservation of intangible cultural heritage, aroused great interest of the gathered audience and the media.
“Improving and promoting intangible cultural and gastronomic heritage is the goal that Zaprokul strives for through this and similar projects, with the important task of breeding our intangible heritage and preserving it for some future generations,” Đorđević emphasized on this occasion.


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