ZAPROKUL in the implementation of the UNESCO Culture Indicator|2030

The Institute  (Zaprokul) participated in the UNESCO online workshop for the implementation of the Culture|2030 Indicator in Serbia and the city of Leskovac.The main implementers of this project are the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development and the Ministry of Culture and Information. The workshop was also attended by representatives of the City Administration of Leskovac, the Republic Institute of Statistics and the Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
The implementation team presented the results for all four dimensions (Environment and sustainability, Prosperity and life opportunities, Knowledge and skills, Involvement and participation) after which the regional expert presented the added value of the project for the cultural policy system and its contribution to international reporting.
The final data tables as well as the final report will be shared on the online portal. A public presentation of the results is also planned.


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Часопис Култура

UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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