The International FORUM ON THE JUSTIFICATION OF CREATIVITY will be held at the National Theater in Belgrade, on the famous small stage “Raša Plaović”, on November 15 and 16, 2022 at 7 p.m., organized by the Institute (Zaprokul), the National Theater and the Serbian philosophical forum, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.

This year FORUM will be dedicated to the theme “Entropy and creativity”, their eternal and mutual struggle. According to the words of probably the most significant contemporary Serbian philosopher, Nikola Kajtez, there is always a great conflict between creation and destruction, between construction and destruction, in the human being. From this continuous struggle arises the great question of whether man is a creator or a destroyer. Facing this question is facing oneself and the whole of existence.

The FORUM will be held in the format of a live and active discussion on stage between participants led by an omniscient moderator live behind the scenes.

In addition to the discussion, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy the performances of Marko Stojanović, our most famous pantomime artist, and spectacular dancers who will perform a specially designed point for FORUM with UV lights.

This year’s participants are well-known and recognized scientists, philosophers and artists from around the world and Serbia:

1. Hans Mayer-Eichen, one of the world’s most famous designers, creator of the famous fashion brand “Authentics”, who exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York;
2. Yves Kudano, physicist, university professor from Belgium, expert in quantum physics, logic and philosophy;
3. Rafaela Fontana, physicist, researcher at the National Institute of Optics in Florence who investigates the use of optics in the history of art;
4. Branko Kolarić, physicist, scientific advisor of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade and visiting professor at the University of Mons (Belgium);
5. Nikola Kajtez, probably the most important contemporary Serbian philosopher, author of a large number of books, including “Justification of Creativity”, “Philosophy of Entropy” and “Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences”;
6. Vladimir Tabašević, one of the most important contemporary Serbian writers and poets, winner of a large number of literary awards.

The moderator of the event will be Dragan Vučelić, a well-known Serbian actor and television presenter.


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