Zaprokul’s participation in the regional conference FoodTalk2021

Dejan Zagorac, author of editions of gastronomic and cultural publications, and Jelena Đorđević, associate and co-author participated in the large regional conference dedicated to gastronomy FoodTalk2021 in Novi Sad, on behalf of the Institute for cultural development research.

During the first panel and the fourth panel, this famous conference that dictates trends in gastronomy, our delegation presented the project Gastronomic Map of Serbia and the edition of books of the Institute: Tastes of Djerdap, Tastes of Stara Planina and Tastes of Zlatibor. Together with the most famous names from the world of gastronomy and the media, the delegation of the Institute spoke about the synergy of gastronomy and culture, as well as the importance of preserving a specific culture of nutrition as an element of cultural heritage.


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Часопис Култура

UNESCO фонд за културну разноликост

Књижевни конкурс НОВИЦА ТАДИЋ


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